रामलाल जोशी नेपाली भाषाका साहित्यकार हुन्। उनले वि.सं. २०७२ सालमा ऐना कथा संग्रहका लागि मदन पुरस्कार पाएका हुन् ।
Ramlal Joshi is a Nepali author. In 2016 he won the Madan Puraskar, the most prestigious literary award of Nepal, for his novel Aina. Previously, he had been a political activist, a journalist and a teacher. He has been the Chair of Sudur Paschimanchal Sahitya Samaj, an organization active for literature and culture. He received Madan Purskar for his book Aina (i.e., Mirror), an anthology of short stories in Nepali.